Monday, January 20, 2014

The Gosselin Twins are Back...The Apocalypse in Nigh

Barbara Walters, Kate Goselin and Mady and Cary Gosselin on 'The View'
"So you wanna make mama look bad huh?  Well I know a certain Lohan who has room in her basement.  SMILE DAMMIT!"

Because apparently now, when you have one weird interview on a major daytime show, that will warrant OTHER interviews, even though seemingly nothing is being promoted...AMERICA FUCK YEAH...Kate Gosselin's white wine zombie mom corpse dragged her twins to The View to discuss the previous interview.  (Seriously.)  Via Us Weekly:

"What do you guys like to do?" inquired Whoopi Goldberg. "Tell me -- don't look at her -- pretend she's not here," the comedian continued as she motioned toward Kate, 38.

The conversation then took a serious turn to the topic of Kate and Jon Gosselin's bitter and public divorce back in 2009: "When I was in my twenties, my parents went through a divorce," confessed Jenny McCarthy. "It was really hard at age 20, how did you guys handle watching your parents go through a divorce but also watching it happen in front of everyone?" she asked the girls, who gazed at each other and bursted out into giggles.

Although most of the discussion remained lively and animated, the two became tongue-tied once again when their father Jon, 36, was mentioned Monday. "Do you see your father, too?" asked Walters. 
"Um," responded Mady as she gave her mother an uncomfortable smile as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Answer," prodded Kate. Both daughters gave their mother the same uncomfortable blank stares from the Today show last week during a sit-down with Savannah Guthrie. Kate just shrugged her shoulders and made a face in response.

Okay, so clearly, these girls need help and nobody is giving it to them.  10-1 bet that the other children have already escaped the compound via a knotted series of bed sheets and these two were the lookout.  That's why Kate keeps dragging them around, because she will be goddammed if she loses another meal ticket-even if they continually make her look like a giant jackass on television.  Because she feeds on television...any kind of television.  When she goes o Best Buy and sees herself on the security cam, she somehow impregnates herself.  I done seen it.

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