Saturday, May 11, 2013

Alright Gwynnie, We'll Get on Board With You for a Few Miles

She usually annoys the Hell out of us with all her Goop lifestyle muck, but we actually appreciate Gwyneth Paltrow's recent candor when talking about the Met Gala. While doing an  interview  with Australian radio hosts Kyle and Jackie O. Paltrow did preface her comments saying she was drunk after one martini and drinking with no food, apparently the interview was held over some kind of meal or liquid lunch. Paltrow goes on to say about the Met Gala, "You want me to be honest? It sucked. It seems like the best thing in the world, you always think, 'Oh my god, it's gonna be so glamorous and amazing and you're going to see all these people' and then you get there and it's so hot and it's so crowded and everyone's pushing you." Funny, that's exactly how I felt about lunch the first day at my correctional facility stay, it was so disappointing. Paltrow goes on to express her dislike for the Punk theme. "I think we're all a bit old to dress up punk," she says. And in majorly jeopardizing her street cred, even criticized Kanye West's performance. "Kanye West was playing and he was all furious and he threw his microphone down and it was all drama. I don't know why." Gwyneth, if this is you drunk, we like it. Stay this way.

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