Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tonight on FOX-Shit Premieres!

So let's see-how is Fox going to fuck up this time?  Ah-here it is...The New Girl returns with not only a premiere but a BONUS episode!  Yay!! That means more  adorable quirkiness from Zooey Deschanel...isn't she so cute with her bangs and her 50's dresses and ukelele?  and there's more!  SHE LIVES WITH GUYS who, aw shucks, just can't get a handle on her adorable-ness.  Can someone please tell her that Dharma and Greg already happened 15 years ago?

Okkaayy what other abortions is Fox gonna air?  Why, Ben & Kate of course! A new show about a down and out brother (that dude whose usually in Broken Lizard movies) movin' in with his sister and her smarty-pants five year old.  Aw Fox, always breaking new ground that you tried and failed with season after season.  Innovators, true innovators.

HEY! Did you think you were gonna get away from New Girl?  Not so fast chief!  another episode airs to really POUND IT INTO YOUR SKULL!!!! The first one was just a bonus!! Bwahaha!!  Is that rain?

Lastly, we have the Mindy Project, which Joyce will be reviewing later.  Uh-I'm not sure what project it is that she's working on, but clearly it's nothing to do with making her look watchable. 

So ya know, watch Fox tonight, or better yet, just go fuck yourself with a dentist drill, cuz it'll be faster and less annoying...oh, and less quirky!

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