Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just Joyce

Joyce at the T.V.

So The Mindy Project  is a very dark hospital drama that focuses on the delusions of a young Indian woman who is a patient in the psychiatric ward. . . at least that's what I took away from it. It's got a lot of twists and turns, but I seen Shutter Island last week on DVD, and so in that movie, Leonardo DiCaprio (such a cutie) he's nuts, but like, thinks he's a cop, and this mental island is there to play along with his delusions, and that's kind of like what I think is going on in The Mindy Project. She thinks she's a doctor, but she's clearly not, she's an alchoholic with an unhealthy fascination with Meg Ryan, and a mental disorder to boot. I guess it's a hospital show, but it also has some Law & Order SVU crap going on because these guys are trying to have sex with her, but it is really sad because she's like mentally ill. And then these guys who "work with her" tell her to lose weight, but it's like c'mon, psychiatric drugs make you gain weight, not that I know this from personal experience, I swear I do not know that from personal experience. I don't like to swear, just take my word for it. So, anyway, I found The Mindy Project to be really disturbing. I'm going to keep my cat's paws far away from it and give it 3 worrisome, but judgmental of course, eye rolls, and maybe a double finger for bringing me back to a bad place in my life.

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