Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Can Someone Please Push Lena Dunham Back to the Cave She Rolled out of...You Know What? Lock it...Lock a Damn Cave


Because we live in a world where people like slagathor up there are allowed to be famous and voice their dumbass opinions, (and people like me write about it at work because fuck it, what else am I doing?)...the Huffington Post was treated to a pretentious Lena Dunham rant about how guilty Woody Allen is even though...oh my God you guys, you tots shouldn't convict his work GAHL! Via The Huffington Post: 

 The “Girls” star previously tweeted her support for Dylan Farrow, Allen’s adopted daughter, after The New York Times in February published an open letter by Farrow about alleged sexual abuse by Allen. However, Dunham told Maron that she is “not comfortable living in a world where art is part of how we convict people of crimes.”
“I’m not gonna indict the work,” she added. “I think that you can decide that you don’t want to support the work of somebody who has molested a child. That’s a completely appropriate choice. But going through it and saying, ‘Look, he’s told us in 57 ways that he rapes kids.’ That’s not the thing. The thing is to look at the actual evidence that exists in the world, which I think strongly suggests that Woody Allen is in the wrong.”
Maron mentioned that someone had tweeted at him, saying they are now “nauseated” by Allen’s artistic work. Dunham responded, “I’m nauseated with the person.”
“People who really believe Woody Allen is guilty have not felt comfortable saying that because they’re so afraid to lose their connection to his work,” she said. “And the thing is, I feel like people need to understand that you can hold two positions in your mind. You can know that someone’s made work that’s meaningful to you and also know that they have most likely molested their daughter.”

Okay, so basically, this untalented, squashy, pale semi-human is going off saying that Woody Allen is guilty, (she really is, even if she's trying to make it sound somewhat diplomatic by saying his work could be considered meaningful) with absolutely no evidence, and SAYING that there is evidence against him out there, the only evidence being his bored daughter making claims that don't make sense and the shell that's left of Mia Farrow agreeing with her.  So yeah...totally appropriate to basically slander someone with no evidence-way to be.  Hmm...if Woody Allen gave a fuck about Lena Dunham or even knew who she was for that matter-me thinks he would be all like: "Pshh...what's his problem?" 

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