Saturday, August 15, 2015

For Anyone Who Thinks Caitlyn Jenner is some kind of Hero...


Yeah, he's not...

So basically, Jenner has been doing nothing but attention whoring since the whole fake tit procedure, and surprise surprise he posted a picture of himself with a drawn on crown, parading around young stars like Nikki Minaj and Katy Perry and posted it on his Twitter with the caption "Vote for the obvious in this group of young princesses! "

So yeah, he's basically trying to win a teenage award voted on by young girls, taking it away from women who are, first of all, WOMEN and about forty years his junior.  so, yeah-buying the courage award (thereby taking it away from a more deserving person-like a war hero or a girl who battled cancer) was just not enough, now he needs to be crowned the "social media queen".  Seriously...fuck you Bruce Jenner.  You are nothing but a profiteer and fucking fame whore, and you have somehow become a worse entity than the gypsy band that made you

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