Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hello, Kettle? This is Pot, You're Black

Kim Kardashian Advises Kris Jenner to Cut Off Rob Financially
Okay, so basically Kim Kardashian has ordered her mother to cut Rob off financially because it's "pathetic"...she also said something about ass-licking which as we all know she is the expert in (bada bum).  Well, Kim while it may be true that the 28 year old man slowly turning into  pumpkin is a tad pathetic, we can ALSO agree that the only reason you are at all financially independent is because you banged someone on camera, and then proceeded to parlay that fame into the circus that is now your life.  SORRY WE CAN'T BE LIKE YOU, YOU SUPERWOMAN!  You are a true inspiration to all the struggling artists out know what I can't even continue with this bit-she just plainly sucks and is beginning to look like a character from Babylon 5.  At least Rob has got his socks.  His very ugly socks. 

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